Original Artwork by Amelie Chabannes, courtesy of Unladylike2020
St. Andrew’s River Heights United Church, 255 Oak St. Winnipeg
Unsung Operatic Black Divas and MLK
General Admission: $35 | Seniors: $30 | Students: $25
Erin Cheeseborough | Soprano as Elizabeth Taylor GreenfieldJonelle Sills | Soprano as Matilda Sissieretta JonesRobert Herriot | DirectorCary Denby | Collaborating PianistHarlequin Costumes | Elizabeth Taylor Greenfield’s attireRobert Butler | Matilda Sissieretta Jones attire and all hairPROLOGUE Sikhona Gwintsa | PhoebeElijah Kanhai | IanDon Larsen | ProfessorJoanna Loepp Thiessen | CaryScript: Spencer DuncansonScript assist: Ted Stebbing, Diane Berger, Judith Panson
Unsung Operatic Black Divas and MLK
Little Opera Company | 2025
Unsung Operatic Black Divas and MLK
Sources:The New York Times; Afrocentric Voices in ClassicalMusic. Created by Randye Jones. Created/Last modified: February 15, 2024. Music of Black Americans, 3rd ED
March 14, 2025, 7:00 P.M. March 15, 2025, 7:00 P.M.
Ah Mio Cor (Alcina by G.F. Handel)Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child (Negro Spiritual arr. M Hogan)Home Sweet Home (Clari, the Maid of Milan by Sir Henry Rowley Bishop)Or sai chi L’onore (Don Giovanni by W.A. Mozart)Laudate Dominium (by W.A. Mozart)Je dis que rien ne m’épouvante (Carmen by G. Bizet)Scandalize My Name (African-American Spiritual)
Repertoire for Ms. Greenfield:
Scandalize My Name (African-American Spiritual)Quando m’en vo (La Bohème by G. Puccini)The Jewel Song (Faust by C. Gounod)Gretchen am Spinnrade (by F. Schubert)Old Folks at Home (by Stephen Foster)Ave Maria (Bach / Gounod)Ride on King Jesus (Negro Spiritual arr.)
Repertoire for Ms. Jones
Narrator: Joy LoewenEnsemble:Soprano 1: Margot Harding*Soprano 2: Lillian Mendoza, Claudine Rose KuffnerAlto 1: Donnalynn Grills, Zilla JonesAlto 2: Sonya Williams, Joanna Loepp ThiessenTenor 1: Jacob Kenny*, Elijah KanhaiTenor 2: Jyoti Jhass, Jackson Lotz* Bass 1: Don Larsen, Brent PfeilBass 2: George Alarape, Ian Hachinski
The Little Opera Company Ensemble
Little Opera Company | 2025Unsung Operatic Black Divas and MLK
Artists’ Biographies
Jonelle Sills
Erin Cheeseborough
Little Opera Company | 2025
Unsung Operatic Black Divas and MLK
Canadian Soprano Jonelle Sills (pr.Ya-Nell) is one of the most exciting youngsopranos of her generation. Recentlynominated for a 2025 JUNO Award withThe Canadian Art Song Project forClassical Album of the Year for Known toDreamers: Black Voices in Canadian ArtSong. Named one of CBC Music’s 30 Hotclassical musicians under 30 in 2022. Jonellerecently made her company debut at theCanadian Opera Company as Mimi in Labohème, a performance that was lauded asbeing a “beautifully sensitive Mimi withcareful control and colour” (The Globe andMail). Past highlights include Rosalinde(Die Fledermaus) and Donna Anna (DonGiovanni) with Edmonton Opera, Micaëla (Carmen) and Helena (AMidsummer Night’s Dream) with Vancouver Opera, Anna Glawari (TheMerry Widow) with Toronto Operetta Theatre and in recital for the PrinceEdward County Chamber Festival with the Viano Quartet. Her companydebut with Toronto’s Against the Grain Theatre in Vivier’s Kopernikusearned her a 2019 Dora Award as a member of the ensemble.
Lyric soprano, Erin Cheeseborough, is anative of Tallahassee, Florida. In thesummer of 2024, Erin performed the roleof Sister Rose in Jake Heggie’s DeadMan Walking for the Miami ClassicalMusic Festival. Also, in the summer of2024, Ms. Cheeseborough covered therole of Lady Billows in Benjamin Britton’sAlbert Herring for the Chicago SummerOpera. In 2022, Erin performed the roleof Micaëla in Bizet’s Carmen at the MiamiClassical Music Festival. The SouthFlorida Classical Review said of herperformance, “One of the standouts of
Little Opera Company | 2025Unsung Operatic Black Divas and MLK
Rob HerriotCanadian stage director Rob Herriot’scareer has taken him to opera companiesand universities across North America.Herein Winnipeg, he has directed produc-tions of Cosí fan Tutte, La Cenerentola,Madama Butterfly, Lucia di Lammermoor,La Boheme, Carmen, Rigoletto and DonPasquale (Manitoba Opera), Barber ofSeville, Don Pasquale (Livermore ValleyOpera), Cosí fan tutte (Opera Kelowna),Three Decembers, The Magic Flute, Atthe Statue of Venus and A Tall Order (TheLittle Opera Company). He is currently areturning director for Opera Nuova,Canada’s leading young artist summerprogram. As a teacher and mentor, he hasdirected productions of Tuck Everlasting, The Fairy Queen, Tartuffe,Beatrice and Benedict, Don Giovanni, Oklahoma, La Boheme and Patience.Virtual productions include I Need Opera and Dance (director) for TheLittle Opera Company, writer and director for the 3-episode series All ThoseArias (writer and director) for The Little Opera Company and The ManitobaOpera, as well as writer and director for the Manitoba Opera’s 6-part seriesOpera School. Other productions include Wizard of Oz, Cinderella andBeauty and the Beast for Winnipeg’s Rainbow Stage.
the evening was Erin Cheeseborough as Micaëla. Her Act III aria, “je dis querien ne m’épouvante” soared with an emotionally charged rendition, communi-cating where Micaëla finds strength after being deeply hurt by Don José.”In prior summers, while attending the Harrower Summer Opera Workshop,Ms. Cheeseborough performed Santuzza in Mascagni’s Cavalleria Rusticana,and Cio-cio san in Puccini’s Madame Butterfly in several opera scenesperformances. Other roles in Ms. Cheeseborough’s repertoire include TheMother in Amahl and the Night Visitors, La tasse chinoise in L'enfant et lessortileges, and Donna Anna in Mozart’s Don Giovanni. Erin has also been amember of the ensemble for Opera Tampa’s La bohème, as well as for OperaOrlando in their productions of La Traviata and Carmen. Ms. Cheeseboroughis a graduate of the College of Music at Florida State University where sheearned a Bachelor of Arts in Music.
Little Opera Company | 2025
Unsung Operatic Black Divas and MLK
Joy LoewenJoy believes in the transformative power ofstories and is passionate about supportingthe creators who make them. Over the past30 years, Joy has held several leadershiproles in Canada’s audiovisual industry,promoting greater representation in stories.She is currently the Vice President, Growth& Inclusion at the Canada Media Fundresponsible for the development, designand delivery of the CMF’s inclusion andgrowth strategies.Before joining the CMF, Joy was CEO ofthe National Screen Institute where she ledthe creation of more than 20 different programs. Joy was also a foundingmember of the programming team that launched the Women’s TelevisionNetwork (now W Network) in 1995 and programmed feature films for theGimli International Film Festival.Her innovative and collaborative spirit earned her the Queen Elizabeth II’sPlatinum Jubilee Medal in 2022 in recognition of outstanding service to herprovince; Playback Canada’s Changemaker of the Year in 2023, East byNorthwest’s 2024 Global Connector Award and Women in Film andTelevision’s 2024 Special Jury Award of Distinction.
Cary DenbyCary is a skilled and versatile collaborativepianist with over 40 years of playingexperience in and around Winnipeg. Sheis honoured to serve as the collaborativepianist for the Little Opera Companypresentation of Unsung Operatic BlackDivas and MLK. Cary is active in thecommunity and has collaborated with suchorganizations such as the Manitoba Opera,Canzona Choir, the Winnipeg Singers,Rainbow Stage, the Royal ManitobaTheatre Centre, the WSO, as well as withchoirs at the University of Manitoba,various soloists, school choirs, churches andcommunity groups.
APRIL 5, 9, 11
Sung in Italian with projected English translations.
BE SWEPT AWAY INTO A WORLD OF YOUNG LOVE & ROMANCEThis true-to-life story of struggling young artists living life to the fullest in Paris will make you laugh and break your heart.One of the most romantic operas ever written. Soaring, lyrical, and intensely emotional.
TICKETS: mbopera.ca ❘ 204-944-8824
Benoît/ Alcindoro
Board of Directors:Robert Campbell, PresidentDonnalynn Grills, TreasurerOdette Heyn, DirectorLisa Rumpel, DirectorEldene Spencer, DirectorSpencer Duncanson, Artistic DirectorMaybelle Pacak, DirectorDarrell Marleau, DirectorRob Herriot, DirectorRory Runnells, DirectorDon Larsen, Director EmeritusDiane Berger, Director EmeritusPeter Klymkiw, Director Emeritus
Acknowledgements:Our many Contributors and Funders:Charlotte Lindsay, the choir, staff and congregationof St. Andrew's River Heights United ChurchTed Stebbing, Diane Berger, Judith Panson,Lars TreloarNolan Kehler | Classic 107 Kevin Burgin | CJOB
Media Public Relations:Lead Marketing and PromotionalPhotography | Heather MilneMarketing and Webmaster | Don LarsenProgram / Original Poster Design | Stephen C. BoydTechnical Support | Steve Denby