Lit tle Ope ra Compa ny Pr ese nts
ABOUT THE O PERA Sir Lennox Berkeley was a master of all aspects of his craft; but he is not usually thought of as a significant composer of operas. However, in the later, post-war phase of his career, he wrote one full-scale opera and three one-acters , and was working on another when ill- ness forced hi m into retirement. A Dinn er Eng ag ement, th e first of his operas to reach the stag e, was co mmissioned by the English Oper a Group an d first perfor med at the Alde- burgh F estival in 1954. Berkeley’ s old friend Benjamin Britten congratulated him on the w ork’ s success: ‘There are most lov ely things in the piece , my dear , whic h gi v e one enor - mous pl eas ur e…’ T he libretto is by Paul Dehn, an extremely su ccessful screenwriter who was also responsi- ble for the text of William Walton’ s The Bear. It centres on Lord and Lady Dunmow , aris- tocrats who have fallen on hard times in the straitened post-war years. T hei r dinner guests in their mo dest Chelsea home are the Grand Duchess of Monteblanco (to which, b efo re the war , Lord Dunmow had been Envoy Extraordinary) and her son, Prince Philippe. Lord an d Lady Dunmow hope that Prin ce Philippe will be attracted to th eir daughter, Susan. The interaction of these characters, and the interventions of the hired help, Mrs Kneebone, and the grocer’s errand boy , produce some nicely observed social comedy . The opera takes place in the Dunmows’ kitchen, but the text provides all the v ariety a com- poser could wish for, with fast-moving prose dialogue alter nating with shor t arias in verse, and numerous ensembles, the lifeblood of comic opera.
Chandos CD Notes:
Diane Berger, B. Mus .
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