Spencer Duncanson,Artistic/ Music DirectorIt has been stated “The more things change the more they stay the same”.I find it interesting that even in Mozart’s time the mounting of an opera provedto be a monumental task, daunting to the financial,logistical and emotional pockets of the most experienced impresarios.It takes a great deal of energy to both produce and participate in an opera; the singer/actor, theproduction crew and the audience member each have a responsibility to optimize the operatic experience.Itisnotamindlessartform,butonethatinviteseveryonetoparticipateactively;an activity thatwe sometimes find overwhelming.Mozart’s opera,The Impresario,is a comic snapshot of the backstage tribulations of the theatre.While they appear humorous in this context,I assure you that in actuality they have caused many a producer of opera, film, dance,and theatre to cringe on occasion. Nonethe-less,we persevere not just because we have tasted the nectar of their fruit but because these art forms surpass the individual.In the words of our opera’s impresario, Mr. Scruples:“Do not worry about art or music Madame.They have endured for centuries, generally in spite of,not because of individuals.”In concluding Mozart admonishes all participants to yield to art and in so doing enrich themselves.I invite you to actively join us as we yield to this artistic undertaking.
The Impresario
Karla Weir—DirectorA University ofWinnipeg graduate in theatre (Honors-directing) and past recipient of the Tudor Bowl Award for vocal performance, Karla has been active with many local groups and has developed a strong interestin directing and stage design.As a performer,Karla has appearedin productions withRainbow Stage, the Gilbert and Sullivan Society, Interesting Theatre,Universityof Manitoba’s Opera Workshop, Red Hen Productions, PrairiePerformances, and has been a long-time member of the Manitoba Opera Chorus. She is looking forward to performing in this season’s upcoming productions of Tosca andThe Magic Flute. Directing credits include,A Musical Journey Through Canada for Prairie Performances.The Medium,The Old Maid and the Thief, Face on the Barroom FloorandThe Gift of the Magi with the Little Opera Company.Wendy Lill’s The Occupation of Heather Rose,andDavid Gilles’ Fade to Black. Karla has held directing apprenticeships with Popular Theatre Alliance on the production of Hectic and Red Hen’s production of Juana laloca?.Assistant directorship roles include the Opera Project’s Cosi fan tutte, Popular Theatre Alliance’s Hectic, and MTC’s Cherry Docs. Karla has enjoyed coaching for the Manitoba Conservatory for Music and Arts in the advanced vocal division and feels privileged to have spent the last decade designing “maquillage” for Winnipeg’s French Theatre, Le Cercle Moliere. She continues to hold master class workshops on makeup design and application for theatres and schools, as well as conducting private coaching in performance.
Cary Denby,AccompanimentCary graduated from the Faculty of Music at the University of Manitoba in 1990 and since then, has made alivingas a freelance accompanist playing for numerous choirs, soloists and ensembles.Currently, Cary is involved with the Gilbert and SullivanAssociation, the Royal Winnipeg Ballet and the St. James School Division.At the Universityof Manitoba, Faculty of Music she is involved with the Vocal Master classes, theCantata Singers,as well as the Bison Men’s Chorus, conducted by her husband Steve.
Opera in One Act By W. A. Mozart
Don Larsen (Mr. Scruples) is pleased to reprise his role as Mr. Scruples for the Little Opera Company. Previous performances with the LOC include: Amahl and the Night Visitors (Melchior), Little Red Riding Hood (Wolf), Gianni Schicchi (Marco) and The Face on the Barroom Floor (Tom).Don has also appeared in numerous cho-ruses and roles for Rainbow Stage, The Winnipeg Gilbert and Sullivan Society and for Manitoba Opera. In recent years, Don has been donating his managerial anddesign talents to the LOC organization as a Production Manager, Marketing and Promotions Manager and as their web designer. Passionate about the art form, Don hopes that his efforts all go toward exposing more people to opera.Greg McLean (Mr. Bluff), baritone, comes with a wide range of musical theatre experience, having worked with Winnipeg’s Rainbow Stage, Gilbert and Sullivan Society, Manitoba Opera,and the Little Opera Company.His favourite shows have included The Music Man,Hansel and Gretel,South Pacific, and The Old Maid and the Thief. Greg performs as a soloist throughout Winnipeg in the pop genre, and performs choral music with Renaissance Voices and the First LutheranChurch choir. He has also appeared in productions of Prairie Performances and the Irish Club of Winnipeg. Most recently,he performed with the Canadian Musical Theatre Development Group, performing excerpts from Les Misérables, Showboat and Strike: the Musical.Darryl Brunger (Mr. Angel), tenor, lives with his three children on their hobby farm in Woodlands.He has performed musicof many different genres throughout his career.He plays violin, piano, guitar, banjo and mandolin but enjoys voice most of all. Darryl has been a member of the Manitoba Opera Cho-rus since 1994. He joined the Little Opera Company for its 1995 inaugural per-formance of Amahl and the Night Visitors and returned for The Snow Queen (2006),The Impresario (2006) and Beauty and the Beast (2007). Darryl also performs under the persona "Woody Holler", purveying Western Swing to audiences across the country.Margot Harding (Mme Goldentrill), soprano, studied for 6 months at the Mozarteum in Salzburg, Austria, and then returned to Canada where she proceed-ed to win many competitions across North America. She has sung with the Salz-burg opera, Manitoba Opera, the Vancouver Opera, the Winnipeg Symphony,the Royal Winnipeg Ballet, the Manitoba Theatre Centre, the National Arts Cen-tre, Rainbow Stage and others. Margot has also sung many times as a featuredartist with WSO in its Light Classics series, Mad About Mozart and various others. With the RWB, Margot played the Queen of the Night in the world premiereof The Magic Flutein Winni-peg and Ottawa. She has appeared in Mozart Comes Alive! with the WSO. Margot has been in many productions with The Little Opera Company and is very pleased to be back.Lara Secord-Haid (Miss Silverpeal),coloratura soprano,is a native Winnipegger in her third year at the New England Conservatory whereshe stud-ies with Lorraine Nubar. Lara began her study of voice with her teacher and men-tor Diane Berger at the Manitoba Conservatory and is ever grateful for the won-derful education that she received thereat an early age through the advanced vocal program. Lara spent a summer studying voice in Italy with Nico Castel and EnzaFerrari. She also spent a summer in Nice, France studying with Lorraine Nubar and Dalton Baldwin. Her Most recent projects have included the role of Prima Donna in Donizetti’s Viva la Mamma and the title role in Mozart’s Zaideat the New England Conservatory. She also has ap-peared with the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra singing The Bearby Howard Blake and in the WSO summer concert series.
St. James Anglican Church,The Rev. Canon Murray Still St. James Church Summer Concert CommitteeDiane Berger—Assist. Music Direction Corinne Enns—Stage Management (Winnipeg) In KenoraJohn Gale, David Elliott, Jason Bowles Tri-Lite (Stage Equipment)
Lucia Melnick, Kenora Harbourfront Concert Series
The Impresario
Synopsis:A frustrated impresario and his assistant (who is a comic actor with his own aspirations for stardom) are tryingto establish an opera com-pany.They are approached bya wealthy patron with a generous offerof financial support…only if they will hire two singers: first a well-known,but faded opera diva,then a young talented beginner. Both are auditioned and both are offered contracts. Sparks fly, however, when both insist on top billing!
Mr. Scruples (an impresario) ···························· Don Larsen Mr. Bluff (his assistant)··································· Greg McLean Mr. Angel (a wealthy financier) ························· Darryl Brunger Madam Goldentrill (a faded opera star) ··············· Margot Harding Miss Silverpeal (an aspirant opera star)················ Lara Secord-Haid
Michael Dunbar, President Spencer Duncanson,AD Robert Campbell, Sec. / Treasurer Don Larsen, MarketingBrent Pfeil, Prod. Mgmt.Frances Seaton, House Mgmt.