Composed by Wolfgang Amadeus MozarT adapted by John Greer
the trials of Tamino and Pamina
the trials of the trials of the trials of the trials of Tamino and Pamina Tamino and Pamina Tamino and Pamina Tamino and Pamina Tamino and Pamina
Pres e n ts
C om p o s ed by W.A. Moza rt | Ad a pt ed by John Greer Conducted by Sha nnon Hiebe rt / Directed by R o be rt H e rr i ot



Répét it eur: Lisa Rump e l Se t De sign:  Kate Ge o rg e Cos tum e Design: Rob e r t Butle r Lighting De sign: Eric Bos se C ho reogr apher: Od e tte Heyn C.M.

23rd - 7:30 pm

24th - 7:30 pm

25th - 2:00 pm

the trials of Tamino and Pamina
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