A Traditional

with The Littl e Opera Company & F riends

Christmas Concert

M a ster of Ce r emo nies: Rob Herriot Gue st Soloist: Rachel Landrecht - Soprano Soloists: Sloan Smith - Soprano | Ashley Schneberger - Mezzo Soprano Jyoti Jhass - Tenor | Christ opher Dunn - Bass Baritone Conducto r: Neil Weisensel Pia nist:  Lisa Rumpel | Cary Denby | Deena Grier Orga nist: Dietrich Bartel Choral Dir ectors: Carolyn Boyes (Sisler H.S.) | Spencer Duncanson ( Continuo) Justin Odwa k & Sarah Sommer(Nu ovoce) In str umentalists : Amir Bissen - Violin 1, Sarah Harrington - Violin 2, Sarah Carswell - Viola, Blair Burns - Violoncello, Cameron Den by – Percussion, Jordie Ouellet - Tru mpet
Fugue in E Minor | String Quartet | C. F ran c t ranscribed N.P. Hart Candle Carol | Vocal Quartet | K. Lee Scott Carol of the Bells | Vocal Quartet | M. Leont ovich / P J. Wilhousky Breath of Heaven (Mary’s Song) | Ra chel L and re ch t - Soprano | Amy Grant O Come All Ye Faithful | Combined Choirs | D. Forres t


I know that My Redee mer Liveth | Sloan Smith - Soprano | G.F. Handel But Who May Abide | Ashlely Schneberger - Mezzo Soprano | G.F. Handel The Tru mpet Shall Sound | Christopher Dunn - Bass Baritone | G.F. Handel Joy to the World! | Audience Sing-along | L. Mason / G.F. Handel Sols tice Carole | Ecole Sisler High School Treble Choirs | Kim Baryluk Glow| Ecole Sisler High School Treble Choirs | Eric Whittacre The Work of Chri s tmas| Ecole Sisler High School Treble Choirs | D. Forres t Go Tell It on the Mountain| Ecole Sisler High School Treble Choirs | arr. N.T. Vangeloff The Fi rs t Noel | Audience Sing-along | Engli sh Traditional Carol


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