Artistic Director,
Spencer Duncanson
Spencer Duncanson grew up in Brooklyn, New York where, as a child attending performances at New York City’s Town Hall Theatre, he was introduced to the world of
opera. These performances, along with an innate love of music fed his passion for the arts and later broadened his awareness of art’s ability to change lives.
Since arriving in Canada, he has provided invaluable local leadership through numerous community contributions. Having served previously as chair of the Winnipeg
Arts Council, volunteering on the board of The Winnipeg Foundation where he chaired the Strategic Initiatives Committee, he presently serves on the boards of Agassiz
Chamber Music Festival, The Winnipeg School of Contemporary Dance and Rainbow Stage. He is also very excited about his involvement with a committee formed to
design and promote a Human Rights Forum.
Spencer Duncanson has been active in the Manitoba Arts scene as a singer, actor (stage/film), clinician, and arts administrator. His initial calling was to arts education,
an interest that still percolates and influences his involvements. Spencer completed his undergraduate degree at Brooklyn College and later combined work at
University of Nevada - Reno and the University of Manitoba to complete his master’s degree concentrating in performance and art education.
Spencer’s primary focuses these days are centered around The Little Opera Company, conducting the senior division of The Winnipeg Boys’ Choir, teaching in his
private studio along with a variety of committee work.